Talk with Personas!

Interactive personas are AI-powered representations of audience, customer, or user profiles that enable real-time interaction and conversation for deeper understanding and engagement with the underlying data.

With our interactive persona system, Survey2Persona (, you can now talk with your personas to get a more nuanced and natural interaction and response!

For example …

This is the persona, Alaa.
This is the persona, Alaa.
You can speak to Alaa. (Arabic only. More languages in the works!)
You can speak to Alaa. (Arabic only. More languages in the works!)
Alaa, replies back.
Alaa, replies back.

Interactive personas, in this case created from survey data, are advancing at a rapid pace!

Better personas! Better decisions! Better results!

Interested in Survey2Persona? Contact us today!

  • Send an email to Acua support (
  • In the email, please explain why you want to use Survey2Persona (i.e., what things you want to learn from your survey data)
  • Also include links to your survey data sources (e.g., Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics), if available.
  • If you are eligible for collaboration, we will reach out to you for the next steps!

Read some research!
Jansen, B. J., Jung, S.G., and Salminen, J. (2023) Employing Large Language Models in Survey Research. Natural Language Processing Journal. 4, 100020.

Guan, K., Salminen, J. Jung, S.G., and Jansen, B. J. (2023) Leveraging Personas for Social Impact: A Review of Their Applications to Social Good in Design. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2247568

Şengün, S., Santos, J. M., Salminen, J., Milenkovic, M., and Jansen, B. J. (2023). Is Death Only the Beginning? How People Mourn Artificial Characters in Social Media. Games and Culture, 0(0).

Salminen, J., Santos, J., Jung, S.G., and Jansen, B. J. (2023) How Does an Imaginary Persona’s Attractiveness Affect Designers’ Perceptions and IT Solutions? An Experimental Study on Users’ Remote Working Needs. Information Technology and People. 36( 8), p. 196-225.

Salminen, J., Mustak, M., Sufyan, M., and Jansen, B. J. (2023) How can algorithms help in segmenting users and customers? A systematic review and research agenda for algorithmic customer segmentation. Journal of Marketing Analytics.
